Intro Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
8 courses over 4 weeks,
2 days a week 06:30 - 8:00.
In small groups of maximum 6 people.
These courses are designed for new students who would like to learn in a small group or for more experienced practitioners who would like to become autonomous, develop or refresh their practice. This allows you to transition to Mysore courses with practice autonomy at any time, whenever you feel ready, with the essential tools for a healthy and meaningful practice.

Learn the basics, detailed breathing, sun salutations, and up to the fundamental postures (Parsvottanasana) + ending postures. Enough autonomy to build a personal practice base and integrate intro 2 or Mysore courses.
Deepen what was learned in intro 1 with new tools and evolve in the first series up to (Purvottanasana), the basis of the sitting postures. You must have acquired autonomy in intro 1 up to the fundamental postures.
Perfect and integrate what you've learned in intro 2, with a regular, slower pace and greater fluidity. You advance to the halfway point of the first series (Navassana).
If you can't fit in these intro classes, the Mysore Style classes are an opportunity to learn and evolve, whether you're a beginner or an experienced student, that you won't find in any other teacher-to-student transmission method, except in private classes.