Ayurvedic Consultation
AYUR = life
VEDA = science or knowledge
Bringing balance to our own constitution means aligning ourselves with the cycles of nature, of which we are all a part.
I had the opportunity to study Ayurveda, and I am enormously grateful to the Vaidya Atreya Smith and Sunil Joshi, men of great humanity, who opened my mind to a dimension of life that is lost in this modern life.
A consultation allows us to determine your constitution according to Ayurvedic medicine, to observe if there is an imbalance, and to put in place the actions that will harmonize your constitution. This includes the traditional analysis of the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Diet, lifestyle, environment and plants are the tools used to bring the Doshas back into balance and avoid illness.
« Ayurveda views life as a complex interrelationship of forces - some chemical, some physical and some subtle, like mental functioning. It says that you have to try to understand life through understanding the totality. Trying to go through individual parts will not help you to understand the totality of life because it is limited to the parts. Each part cannot be seen outside of the totality to which it belongs and supports »
— Vaidya Atreya Smith​